JOHA/▷ LEED Joha 2013. 11. 14. 17:18
LEED - MATERIALS AND RESOURCES Credit 1, 1.1 - Building Reuse(Maintain existing Walls, Floors, and Roof) Intent - To extend the life cycle of existing building stock, conserve resources, retain cultural resources, reduce waste. - To reduce environmental impacts of new building(manufacturing and transporting) ※ 기존 건물의 수명(life cycle) 연장, 자원 보호, 문화자원 보호, 환경적 영향 감소(제조 및 운반공정에서...) Requirements NC, S..
JOHA/▷ LEED Joha 2013. 11. 14. 14:01
LEED - MATERIALS AND RESOURCES - Prerequisite 1 Intent - To facilitate the reduction of waste generated by building occupants that is hauled to and disposed of in landfills. ※ 매립지에 운송되거나 버려지는 입주자들이 배출하는 쓰레기량 감소 Requirements NC, SCHOOLS, CS - Provide and easily-accessible dedicated area or for the collection and storage material for recycling for the entire building. - PAPER, CARDBOARD, GLASS, PL..
JOHA/▷ LEED Joha 2013. 11. 14. 11:43
LEED - MATERIALS AND RESOURCES #1 Overview Focus on 2 main issues : 1. The evironmental impact of materials 2. Minimization of landfill and incinerator disposal for materials ※ MR에서 주요한 쟁점은 자재가 미치는 환경적 영향과, 매립과 소각으로 처리되는 자재의 최소화이다. Selecting Sustainable Materials - During the life cycle of a material, its extraction, processing, transportation, use, and disposal can have negative health and envi..